How to Start Making Money By Quora Partner Program & How You Can Make More Then $1000 Per Month By Asking Questions on Quora? - How to Choose the Questions & Make Good Money on Quora (Advance) - Part 2

If you haven't read my part -1 of how to make money money from Quora? Then, you should first go through with the post 'WHAT'S QUORA PARTNER PROGRAM? HOW TO START MAKING MONEY BY QUORA PARTNER PROGRAM?' which is a basic step to learn about the Quora program and how you can get started.

This post is advance tips and hacks on how you can make money from Quora program? Which includes how to post questions which makes you money, how you can choose which question to post, how frequently you should post etc.

According to Adam D'Angelo (Co-founder and CEO of Quora,), Quora have 200 million monthly unique users. According to the web traffic data company Alexa, Quora has seen a recent spike in growth. Now 33.3 visitors hail from India, compared to 26.5 percent in the U.S.

As Quora has millions of registered users and even Quora also has more unregistered users who suddenly visit the site while searching something on Google. So both, will help you out to make you money by visiting your questions, no matter they're there to answer them or they're there to find the answers. If you already have read the part - 1 of my blog on how to make money on Quora then probably you may be already signed-up for the Quora partner program. So now, the next big challenge is how you can make it? How you can find the best questions which make your rich? Here, I am sharing my experience with how you can earn much more money.

Below are the best ways on how you can find the questions to post on Quora and make money:

1. Find & Post The Questions Which Aren't Posted Already

The main and basic part of Quora program is that you'll have to find and post questions which hasn't posted yet by anyone on Quora and which questions should be searchable and which can think by anyone. So all you have to find those questions no matter how you find those questions, it may be coming from your mind from daily day to day routine, from the internet, by tool etc. 

So just, think of those questions which hasn't posted yet by anyone and when you'll going to post that questions, you'll see that if that question has already posted by someone. The most challenging part is, when you'll going to post any questions you'll see that most of those questions has already asked by someone else. But, it's fine to post relevant questions or sometime same questions but with different intention. You may see the questions 'Top blogging ideas 2018' so you can post the questions 'Top blogging ideas 2019' but keep in mind that Quora may still merge (If you post any question which has been already posted on Quora then Quora will consider your question as duplicate question and they'll merge your question with that already posted original question that means you've posted nothing and you'll not earn anything from the duplicate question) your questions. 
So, all you've to find those questions which hasn't posted yet by anyone. 

2. Questions Which Are Into You Mind

There are several questions which keeps coming into our mind into day to day life activity for example Will Trump win the election? Is Samsung Galaxy A20 good phone? etc. So, all you've to do is think about those questions and check whether that questions is posted or not then go ahead. Basically, when i start my day on my laptop I usually think about many things in a day and there are a lot of questions which comes into my mind. 

So instead of visiting Quora again and again, I choose to put all those questions which came into my mind on notepad and when i start work on Quora, I check all those and start posting it. So, always think about the questions which you can post on Quora, which questions can think anyone and most importantly which questions are being searched on Google. It' best that you choose questions which are being search on Google as because if you choose those questions then your question may get external traffic from Google. As usually, average of each out 3 Google search query has a search results of including Quora links so that question can be yours and if that's yours then your question will get much more hits then Quora traffic. 

3. People Asking on Google

Usually, when you type anything on Google then Google suggest you several relevant search suggestions which is a great ways to think about the questions you want to post. Think of some words such as blogging, best way etc. and when you type you'll see a lot of search terms. 

So, you can find your desired questions on Google by this way. Moreover, if you search on Google 'What's the passive income ideas' you'll see lot of another questions like this. So, you can choose your questions using Google and you can generate many questions as much as you want. 

4. Yahoo Answers 

Most of the people are already familiar with the Yahoo AnswersYahoo! Answers is a community-driven question-and-answer website or a knowledge market from Yahoo!, that allows users to both submit questions to be answered and answer questions asked by other users. Yahoo answers is a same platform like Quora where people can ask ans answer the questions about any topic. It's not the same platform as Quora but it has the several similarities. 

Yahoo answer is older then Quora and here you can find dozens of questions and answers about any topic which can help you to research some questions which you can post on Quora. Keep in mind, don't think about to posting same questions from yahoo answers to Quora as because if you see then you'll figure out that most of the questions has already posted on Quora and i don't think that it's legit way to do it. Quora partner program pay us to help them contributing a useful content to Quora which should be useful for the users. So, no matter if the question has posted on yahoo answers or not, you can still post on Quora but with the same condition (If the questions hasn't posted by anyone yet) but it's great tool to research questions which you can post on Quora. 

5. Reddit

Reddit Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members. Reddit is somehow similar site then Quora and yahoo answers where people post questions by different way along with images, link etc. and here you can find dozens of useful questions posted by real people. 

Which can be also be a good tool for you to use to research questions to post on Quora. Here, you can find very useful content along with the questions answers. 

6. Relevant of Which Questions Already Making Money on Quora

If you go to click on your profile > partners > questions value insights, you'll see questions which are posted by users in past and which questions has made huge amount of money. Each questions will have the amount details of how much each questions has made during the period along with the followers, viewers and ad impressions. 

Here you can get the idea of what kind of questions has made the real money and you can take some ideas of what kind of questions you should post to make money for yourself. Even, you can try by asking relevant questions of those questions but keep in mind that the question should have value and it shouldn't be posted by anyone. So, it's also one of the best ways to find the questions which you can post. 

7. Google Trends

Google Trends is a website by Google that analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across various regions and languages. The website uses graphs to compare the search volume of different queries over time.
After reading this, you may have little understanding of what's is Google trends and how it's work. Basically, Google trends give you the data of all the search quires made by users on Google as per the different country, category etc. 

Which will be one of your best tool to research the questions which you want to post on Quora. Here you can search all the search queries and questions asked by users and you can easily fetch the right question. One of the main advantage of searching questions from Google trends is, you'll be posting the question which was trending on Google. So, there's more chance that questions which you will post from the Google trends will more likely be shown on the Google search results page that means you'll get more hits on your questions, more hits means more earning. 

8. Google Ads Keywords Planner & Other Tool

Google keywords planner is a tool by Google ads advertisement platform to research all type of keywords based on the avg. monthly searches, competition etc. basically this tool is used by the user of Google ads who run their ads on Google and the website owners who wants to rank their websites on Google via SEO. 

Here, you can research keywords based on the any topic or any kind along with their metrics. So, it's also one of the best tool to research your questions to post on Quora. 
There are also another lots of keywords research tools (Free/paid) which you can use to research short tail and long tail keywords such as SEMrush AHREFS Wordtracker etc.

9. Suggested By Keywords Research Google Chrome Extensions Add-on Tools

There are also another variety of another Google chrome extensions/tools to research keywords which works same as basic keywords tools. This will also give you better ideas of keywords as these tools work differently then basic tools. 

For example: Keywords Everywhere is a keywords research chrome extension which you'll have to install into your chrome browser. After that, whenever you search anything or any questions on Google, it'll give you more ideas of the keywords you search.
This way you can find keywords more easily which you can convert into questions. 

10 Suggestions For You

If you go to click on your profile > partners > suggestions for you, you'll see topics suggestions by Quora which has the less questions posted on Quora. That means, Quora itself is showing you which topic on Quora has the less questions and where you can start posting. 

One of the main benefit of choosing questions from the suggested topic is, you can start researching questions on those topics and there will be fewer questions so you can start posting questions and there will be less chances of that questions being posted already. 

12. Anywhere From The Internet

After from browsing some tools and suggestions, it's obvious that you can find any type of questions from anywhere from the internet. 

There are a lot of other questions answers related websites, Facebook groups, niche forums etc. which can be useful for your research on questions which you want to post on Quora. You can find several other sites, tools etc. to find the resources to research and find the questions. 

12 Choose Questions Wisely 

There are few more things to consider while researching and posting questions on Quora where the most important is that questions shouldn't posted already, sometimes you won't see the question which has already posted on Quora so later Quora can merged (If you post any question which has been already posted on Quora then Quora will consider your question as duplicate question and they'll merge your question with that already posted original question that means you've posted nothing and you'll not earn anything from the duplicate question) your question, your question should be in correct English and sentence, you've option to post in other available language, sometimes your question may violate policy (See T&C) then your question will be removed etc.

So, you should post your questions wisely with correct English. 

Quora Questions Process & Terms: 

1. Merging Questions - If any question has already been posted on Quora ans you post the same question then your question will consider as duplicate and will be merged with the previously posted original question. 
2. Questions With Need Improvements - If any questions you posted has any incorrect grammar or sentence, then your question will be mark as 'Needing improvements'. 
3. Policy Violation Questions - If any qustion you posted violate Quora policy, your question will be removed. 
4. Inviting People - After posting each question, you'll get the chance to invite up to 25 people to answer your questions. 
5. Earning Stats - Details of your earning during the period which updated one or twice in 2

How Quora Make Money & How Quora Pay You

You may also familiar with how Quora makes money and how Quora pay you? it might not be the relevant question/information of what we're talking about here. But, you should be familiar with how Quora makes money and how they'll pay you? Basically, Quora has different and multiple revenue shares where there income courses are coming from two main sources.

Their Own Advertising Channel: Quora has their own adverting channel, that means anyone or any business owner can run ads on Quora by paying money as per the CPC (Cost per click) pricing model.
Partner With Advertising Companies Such As Google: Quora is also partner with Google advertisement that means Google is showing their ads on Quora and when someone clicks on the ads, Quora get share of each click.

Why Quora is Paying You? How You'll Make Money? When you post your questions on Quora, people will answer those questions so there will be a different type of users on Quora. People who post questions like us, people who post answers, people who are looking for the answers of specific questions etc. When any kind of users will visit Quora, they'll see the advertisement and upon each click on the ads, Quora will make money. No matter if they charging via their own advertising channel or Google pays Quora for each ad click.
So, when you post your questions, people will start answering it or people will visit to see the answers. All type of users will see the ads and when they click on the ads which is shown on your question, Quora will give you small amount of share of that ad click. So this is how it works, whenever user click on the ad on the questions you posted, you'll earn money.

Note: As you'll earn money when someone will click on the ad on the questions you posted, but that doesn't mean you can click on the ads on the questions by yourself. Quora has strict policy for this and they'll easily figure out that you're clicking on the ad on your question by yourself even you can't ask someone to go to your questions and click on that ads cause they'll also figure that out.
Above any of the above circumstances, your account can be temporary or permanently suspended and you'll no longer be a part of Quora partners.
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